
The Importance of Branding

Branding is defined by Oxford Languages as “the promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design.” 

An effective brand strategy provides your business with an edge in competitive markets. Your company’s branding is derived from the who, what, why and how of your business. To define your company’s brand, you must have the answers to these questions: 

  1. Who is *enter your brand name here*? This message is achieved with a great logo, color scheme, and copywriting. You have to create a set tone and look for your website. By setting these standards, customers will be able to recognize who you are at their first glance. 

  2. What is *enter your brand name here*? What is your company’s mission? What are the benefits or your products and services? What qualities do you want people to associate with your company? Customers are more apt to become true fans of your brand when they resonate with the message of your business. By identifying a clear what, customers will become attracted to your particular brand instead of one of your competitors. 

  3. Why does *enter your brand name here* exist? Storytelling helps you emotionally connect with your customers. Why did you start your company? Why do you believe in your brand? Answering these questions will help shape your brand’s message and help you connect with your clients on an emotional level.

  4. How does *enter your brand name here* do it? The how connects directly with the personality of your brand. It’s not what you do that makes it unique, it’s how you do it. You attract customers by infusing your brand’s personality into your content. Doing so will make you stand out. Is your voice inspirational or scholarly? Is your messaging descriptive or straightforward? Is your communication universal or direct? The how will make people fall in love with your business and convert them into repeat customers. 

Once you’ve answered these questions, you must implement the answers into the creative display of your brand identity. The answers need to shine through all of your content. Not sure how to accomplish this? Contact The Social Resort below for a consultation!

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